Web marketing
Web marketing is the process of integrating platforms
and customers' experience through a digital channel. Digital marketing offers the
prospect of increasing and improving the interactions and relationships with current
and prospective customers through, for instance, social networking sites, instant
messaging systems and mobile applications (apps).
We can develop for you a wide range of online activities:
- SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)/ SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
The key success factor for SEO keyword analysis is insight on how local users search in the various stages of their consumer decision journey. Our entire search engine marketing approach is based on this proven strategy.
We work with all major search engines like: Google, Yahoo, Ask, Bing, Baidu, Google China, Soso, Sogou, 360 Search, etc.
We tailor all our SEM campaigns based on consumer insight & behavior, determining exactly which Search Engines to advertise on and how to allocate the budget. - DEM (Direct Email Marketing)
E-mail marketing remains one of the most efficient ways to spread your message and improve your brand awareness. Due to its low cost and ability to reach your clients directly, email campaign can be a powerful tool.
We create ad-hoc email campaigns and we target it to reach your possible clients. We carry out report analysis and evaluation of performances. - Integrated Campaigns
Integrated campaigns have become a critical component to build brand reputations and driving influence. Today decision-makers and target audiences need to receive messages from multiple, credible platforms.
Meeting Point helps the clients to develop highly targeted, integrated campaigns that combine the best of online, print, digital and face-to-face communications to disseminate messages and compel people to take action.