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Fm Gru S.r.l.   -   Pontenure (PC)   -

FM Gru is one of the biggest producer of cranes for building sites and ports.

  • Hydraulic self-assembling cranes
    Self-assembling cranes for building sites. Versatile, quick to assemble, easy to use and transport.
  • Topless Tower cranes
    Topless crane that offers the best present technology. The easy and quick assembling process brings to a consistent reduction of assebling time, an easy and efficient transportation as well as use.
  • Tower crane, quick assembly
    Tower crane, quick assembly, perfect for any need. It guarantees the highest safety standars during every working activity, energy supply reduction, easy transportation thank to a limited number of pieces.
  • Luffing jib crane
    Luffing jib crane is designed to work on very high building or in extremely restricted spaces like city centres or areas and sites full of obstacles
  • Technical assistance
    FMgru offers a prompt and qualified after-sales service and is able to offer assistance within a short time when needed. Assistance is also given to solve problems related to the use of cranes on building sites like planning fixing systems,difficulties of positioning, optimisation of working areas.
  • Cranes spare parts supply
    A prompt and quick spare parts supply is guarantee with shipments to all building sites where the cranes operates.
On the website is it possible to explore the whole range of cranes produced by FMgru and download technical specifications in PDF format.